There can be various instances during a real estate transaction where you may feel the need for a real estate lawyer at your service. However, you should know that the real estate lawyer has a certain set of duties and tasks which they cannot exceed on anyone’s behalf at all. With that said, certain real estate transactions and processes highly demand the need for a real estate lawyer. If you’re going through those procedures and tasks alone without anyone guiding you professionally, you are putting yourself at risk according to Asaf Izhak Rubin.

Nevertheless, in this post, we will discuss some important areas of expertise that only a real estate lawyer can help with because they have the right knowledge about property transactions and deals. 

Unprecedented Risks – Scams and Property Shams

As Asaf Izhak Rubin explains, real estate disputes can arise of any nature and can rip a property-dealing party off of its money. This is the case with most real estate deals that are going around us today. However, the job of real estate lawyers is to hold the property deals in one place while assessing the safety and security of their clients. Hence, in any case, if there is any risk of a property scam, the real estate lawyer will help their party exit the deal before any financial damage takes place.

There can be a whole lot of problems and disputes such as renting tenants, selling prime real estate, holding a non-occupant residential area, etc. The job of the real estate lawyer is to help the owner and real estate investor protect their property assets from scams. For instance, if the rights of tenants were involved in a rental property’s sale, the lawyer would easily recommend the course of action required to protect their clients’ (owners’) interests. 

Title Document Scams and Dishonesty

The job of a real estate lawyer revolves around making sure that the real estate property deals of their clients go well and smooth so that their clients can make profits and save their investments from any unwanted loss or scam. Moreover, you should know that the real estate industry today is filled with illegal property dealers and scammers who pose as real sellers of fake properties and then make the buyers sign paperwork that isn’t real. What happens next? Well, such individuals or groups share fake title documents which show them as fake owners of a property.

Hence, an inexperienced buyer believes them and gives away all their money for that property without knowing how to verify the title documents for authenticity. Asaf Izhak Rubin says that you can easily dodge these calamities if you have the support and guidance from a real estate lawyer. 

Property Reviews and Verdicts

Another main service of real estate lawyers is to stay with their clients when they are reviewing properties for investment or potential purchases for commercial use. Properties can easily and wrongfully be posed for fake owners. That means that fake sellers can approach legitimate buyers and steal their money. Asaf Izhak Rubin claims that having a real estate lawyer will help the most when reviewing properties for potential purchases.

While you will review the physical condition of the property, a real estate lawyer can lend their hand with legal document processing and more. A lawyer can provide the required help and offer advice regarding the legal standpoint of a property so their client can make favorable and right purchases.


You should not forget that a real estate lawyer can help you with more tasks and processes than above. They know various areas of real estate dealings and property transactions. In fact, it is quite easy for them to figure out suspicious real estate activities by going through the legal documents. Asaf Izhak Rubin suggests looking for the right kind of real estate lawyers like himself who can help you on your property investments and several other ventures.